14 thoughts on “Hardly a Princess, Barely a Pea”

  1. Yvonne: This might be my favorite post of yours. We share those “dark night” experiences that St. John of the Cross described. They might be caused by trips to the bathroom or simply by trips of our weak, unsteady feet. It could be neuropathies that attack the body invisibly, like your irksome grain of sand, keeping us tossing and turning, trying to switch off the torturous electricity coursing through our bodies. No matter the cause, they shake body and soul alike. Too bad St. John didn’t have Ambien. 🙂

    As for being a princess, I quote one of my favorite movies, “A Little Princess” (1995): “I am a Princess! All girls are, even if they live in tiny old attics, even if they dress in rags, even if they aren’t pretty or smart or young, [editorial addition: even if they have to pee every half hour or stumble when they walk… if they can walk,] they’re still princesses, all of us. Didn’t your father ever tell you that? Didn’t he?”

    The princess of the fairy tale was kept awake by the pea, but we are kept awake by the pee. Maybe she did have MS but couldn’t spell!

    Sorry for the excessive length of this comment but your post was so very thought-provoking. Keep us giggling and thinking, Yvonne. You are appreciated.

    • Thank you so much Rick- I love your comment! And I needed it a bit as I wasn’t sure how I felt about this one. I love your back story-so that’s where “dark night of the soul” came from- I should have known that!- as well as the princess quote. My dad did not call me a princess but he did sing Elvis songs to me using his hairbrush as a microphone. That counts right? And I never thought of the Princess of the fairy tale being a bad speller. I love your comment and as always, feel free to comment away. I need it and so do other readers!!! Thank you my friend!!

  2. Love this story! Keep writing.
    I’m a writer too. Haven’t been able to get back to it due to MS and being a full time caregiver.
    Thank you 😊

    • Thank you for commenting Catherine! It is so weird how MS affects us differently. MS was what got me started writing. I just had to get my MS frustrations out on paper, or the internet. I believe when the time is right, and it is right for you, you will get back into it.

      My very best to you my friend!!

  3. Wow, a grain of sand? You are one sensitive sleeper! But I can relate somewhat as I have gotten out of bed to adjust sheets & covers that weren’t JUST so. Guess we are weird that way. Have a better night’s sleep tonight!

    • Thank you My Odd Sock friend! Usually I sleep like a rock. Maybe that is where the sand came from? I think that is why these nights have me off so…


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