Too Many Steves

Multiple Sclerosis in the dating world   *****The names of the males in this blog post have been changed in order to protect my reputation**** I was talking to friends about the need to change some names while editing my book. I told them that one of the names I had to change was that … Read more here…

MS/PMS MonSter Mash

An MS transformation I recently joined a Facebook group for people with multiple sclerosis. The group is awesome and if anyone is looking for an online community where you can ask questions, meet other people in circumstances similar to yours, or just joke and vent, I encourage you to look into it. It is called … Read more here…

Scary Brain, Scary Movie

Multiple Sclerosis is a Horror Show It is the afternoon and I am shuffling around my house, trying to focus. I have my lists; all the MS helpful tip books suggest lists. There is the to-do-this-week list. There is the to-do-before-Christmas list and the things-I-should-try-to-do-in-general list. There is, of course, the things-I-should-try-not-to-forget list. But the … Read more here…

MS Counts

Multiple Sclerosis and Arithmetic This August I received some disturbing news; Count von Count passed away. I didn’t hear about this from the internet or TV news, but from my own local newspaper. It seems that Count von Count actually lived in my neighborhood (my real neighborhood, not Sesame Street.) It made me sad that … Read more here…