Scary Brain, Scary Movie

Multiple Sclerosis is a Horror Show It is the afternoon and I am shuffling around my house, trying to focus. I have my lists; all the MS helpful tip books suggest lists. There is the to-do-this-week list. There is the to-do-before-Christmas list and the things-I-should-try-to-do-in-general list. There is, of course, the things-I-should-try-not-to-forget list. But the … Read more here…

Fall’s Healthy Tidbits

Multiple sclerosis and the ‘get fit’ plan I didn’t intentionally time the end of my 50 Shades of Green/Doing It Veggie Style Contest to collide with the start of my favorite season. Funny how things happen that way. But the contest has ended and I have some awesome, healthy recipes to try. What is weird, … Read more here…

Broccoli Soup

A Healthy Eating Plan for People with Multiple Sclerosis Little by little, through bouts of miserable humidity, I am making my way through Montel’s smoothies. On an only slightly hot day, I made the Raspberry Peach Smoothie and it was awesome! It was a healthy and refreshing way to cool off. I would next like … Read more here…

Unproductive Produce

Multiple Sclerosis and the Grocery Store I hope anyone following my blog hasn’t given up on me and my ‘get fit’ plan that uses my Wii Fit and Montel William’s Healthmaster Elite. During late July/early August there were a few gorgeous, almost autumn like days where I was super productive on the plan. My Wii … Read more here…