Welcome #$%&ing Pod People

A story, an inspiration, a repeat Before Covid-19 if you had asked me what pod people were, I would have said zombies, aliens or frightening, dangerous creatures created in a lab.  My answer would be based on which horror movie I’d recently seen.   I definitely knew pod people weren’t anything I would want to be a … Read more here…

If it’s a Type, Let it Bleed

A Covid 19 ode to a great rock Disclaimer- Please remember that my blog posts are tongue in cheek which means they should not be substituted for medical advice.  If something I say sparks your interest, it’s best to do your own research. I recommend Google. I just read an article in the Huffingpost that … Read more here…

The Great Cornbread Pudding Saga

When Multiple Sclerosis, a good deed and a vegetable combine It’s the Corona Virus pandemic and we are supposed to be self-isolating as much as possible.  Yet, little acts of kindness abound.  We should always practice little acts of kindness wherever, whenever we can.  But during a crisis is an especially good time. It was … Read more here…

If You…

A test for illness that your doctor is NOT trying to get Happy Month of Green and Orange! Green for St. Patrick’s Day and orange for MS Awareness Month.  For whichever you may be participating in, I tip my orange shamrock hat to you.  If you participate in both, then double orange lucky leprechauns are … Read more here…