Gina Blue is Disabled Too

A chronic illness companion My car and I go back a long way, 10 years to be exact.  She was a pretty, blue, 2005, used Toyota Corolla that I bought in 2004. No, that is not a typo or a result of MS brain fog.  Weird as it seems, the 2005 cars came out early … Read more here…

For Those Who Might Have Forgotten—Forget-me-nots

An Official MS Flower As I do, I have been complaining about Spring quite a bit lately and will probably do it more in the future. But for those who actually like this season, I thought I would re-post this past blog in dedication to them.   Please allow me to send you some flowers … Read more here…


An official MS flower   Do you have a favorite flower, friends? I am not just asking my female readers; men can appreciate flowers too. Although their flowering tastes likely go to something masculine like a braided money tree or a Venus fly trap (both of which are actually plants but so what?) Men enjoy … Read more here…