Multiple Sclerosis Goes Out
It was almost 8 PM and I was retouching my makeup.
Did you read what I just wrote?
8 at night and I was retouching my makeup?
It was a wild night if I was still wearing makeup past 7:30.
Most days, makeup comes off and comfy clothes or pajamas come on before 7, if I was even wearing makeup or street clothes earlier in the day.
But here I was, applying lip gloss and waiting for my friend from forever, Amy, as we were going out dancing.
You see, she had just discovered a great, local cover band and we were hooked. They were called Riptide and were a ton of fun!!
The last time we had seen them we had done dinner first and so we weren’t leaving our houses at the ungodly hour of 8:30 for a night out. It seemed less dramatic if we met up with 2 other dear friends, had a nice restaurant meal and just happened to be sitting around when the band started.
But tonight, Amy, who had lost all sense of reality and calendar, (hello, we used to leave after 8 for a night’s out in the 90’s not in 2022!), had a work party and then was meeting me.
The thing is, I wanted to go. Things had been stressful and busy and I did really enjoy the music. Plus, for a big project earlier in the day I needed to take my legal speed RX and the effect now that the project was over was that I wanted to move. Still, it was December and cold and dark out. But I was insisting, I was going to go dancing. I gave one last, longing look to my super comfy pjs and followed Amy out the door.
I used to be an award-winning dancer. I can say this because I won the best dancer contest at Scott Rego’s second grade birthday party. I even took home a wicked cool prize.
I think it was a slinky.
Since multiple sclerosis took over and standing gets achy very quickly, I’ve become an amazing chair dancer. Why oh why don’t they have competitions for that? If they did, I’d be the first to sign up!
We arrived at the bar and despite the promise of my bladder wreaking havoc on my body after bedtime, and the general ickiness of a bar bathroom, I ordered a seltzer. Did you know that hard seltzer is different from regular seltzer? Trust me, that is information you need to know if you plan on going pub crawling or regular dancing or, even, chair dancing.
Luckily I did know and ordered one hard seltzer. To start that is…
You can dance
You can jive
Having the time of your life…..

I can dance. And maybe I can jive.
Despite the fact that going out on the town made me vain and I refused to wear my usual foot attire, (podiatrist recommended, expensive, specialty sneakers,) and opted for some low healed, casual boots and thus, my feet hurt, I was having a great time.

Ooh see that girl
Watch that scene
Digging the dance queen
I imagine I was quite a scene. I was sliding all over the place in my dancing shoes, was most likely out of rhythm, and trying hard to keep my left knee from going out. But I was out dancing; real, full on, missing my 21-year-old self and the girl who won THE dancing prize at a birthday party, dancing. I didn’t care if I was making a scene.

Young and sweet
Only seventeen
Ok that part wasn’t exactly true. I wouldn’t call myself young, I was closer to 57 than 17-by a few years mind you- and hadn’t felt sweet since I worked at a candy store when I WAS young and sweet and practically seventeen. I might not have been quite the dancing queen but I tend to think royalty can be overrated.
Feel the beat of the tambourine, oh yeah
You can dance
You can jive
Having the time of your life
This part was completely true! Even the tambourine part. Mel, the lovely lead singer of Riptide, handed Amy a tambourine and we continued dancing away. Right up to last call!
Ok, last call at this establishment was 11 rather than the last call that Amy and I enjoyed in our twenties. But still… We were having the time of our lives.
We wandered back to my place and since Amy was too tired to drive home, she crashed on my sofa.
Just like thirty years ago!!!
True, there was no before bed shots or major munchies or gossiping about the evening to all hours, like in the days of old. I think we were both asleep by 11:30 and were totally spent.
The next morning I woke up not with a hangover, but with a vicious sore right hip!
What is that about?
And if it was from dancing, how come both hips didn’t hurt?
Was I swinging my hips?
Can you only swing one hip?
Not me or my hips
I just took a break from writing to try to just swing one hip and I really don’t think you can. It’s sort of just a weird jerk of your body that I can’t picture doing on the dance floor, even if I’m no longer a second-grade dancing professional.
Was the ache from my multiple sclerosis or from me trying to pretend to be the dancing queen I thought I was when I was 8, and then again when I would go out after 8 PM when I was 21. Luckily, it was one of those aches that you feel but feel after something good for you- like going to the gym or having fun. Since I DO NOT go to the gym, I’d take it that it was from having fun.
Three weeks later, I discovered a tender spot on the right side of my foot. Could this be from wearing dancing shoes, weeks after I went dancing?
I decided to visit my best medical team.
They, WebMD, said it could be bursitis, joint fracture, tendonitis, or even, perish the thought, arthritis. I’m going to throw in other potential causes such as my MS or my imagination.
Who’s to know?
If it gets worse I’ll get it checked out. And maybe the next time Amy and I go dancing I’ll wear my recommended sneakers.
Not Amy or me
But we WILL go dancing again.
It was fun and if I’ve learned anything at all, life it too short to not have some fun! Even if it is going to take place after 8 PM.
Dancing queens indeed!!!
Not us either
And speaking of queens, as we get ready for the holidays, I thought I would add this picture of my 14-month-old niece because she is adorable and can’t get much more Christmassy than this. She either got bored while her parents were putting up the tree or, she has named herself the official Christmas Queen!
I’m going for the latter!!
My niece
Happy holidays to all of you, my friends, whatever winter holiday you may be celebrating. Please try to have some fun.
Maybe even dance a bit.
And if you’re on Cape Cod for New Year’s Eve and want a fabulous band to dance with, join Joe, Dan, Mel, and Don of Riptide at the Red Nun in Dennis!

****Lyrics from ABBA. Of course*****
🤣🤣 Always a pleasure reading up on your antics 🤗🤗
Antics is definitely the perfect word for them! Thank you!!
Oh how I wish I were with you girls Lord last time felt like i was back in my 20’s we laughed so much it was more fun than I had had in a long time. Glad you girls had fun. I was there in spirit
You definitely were my dear friend!!! Miss you!
I like your style, Yvonne – dancing and writing. I hope the pain turns out to be nothing more than your body getting bitchy the morning after. 🤞🏻👍🏻
Thank you so much Toby!! And yes, my body gets bitchy way too often! Happy Holidays my friend!!
I haven’t danced in years (ugh sketchers don’t make for good dancing shoes) but sounds as if you had a great time. Funny and true as usual. We have the same medical team lol so here’s hoping it was just too much for your MS to stand and in a few day, weeks or whatever you are back to your dancing queen self. Merry Christmas and a very happy New Year to you!
Right!!! My recommended sneakers are Hoka and nt stylish at all!! But thank you my friend and a very happy holiday seasonto you too!
So happy for you, that you took a chance on fun and lived to tell the tale without too much damage. I understand what a big deal it is. Even with my legal speed it is a rare event that gets me out in the dark. Wishing you a Happy Christmas and more fun in 2023.
Thank you so much Carol! I really did have to push myself, especially when Amy told me that we couldn’t meet until later. But I am very glad I went and will need less pushing next time. My very best to you for a lovely holiday season and a New Year filled with good humor, great health and fun!
Thanks for sharing. I am glad you went out and had fun, even when we know we will pay for it. Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas to you too Craig!! Thank you for your support and best wishes for a healthy, happy, humor filled and fun New Year!!
That was so much fun. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Yvonne. Stay well!
I’m so glad you liked it Susan!!! Thank you so much for checking it out and sending well wishes. Wishing you a 2023 filled with good health, fun times and lots and lots of giggles!!
Soon you’ll be telling us you are trying out to be a Solid Gold dancer.
Glad you enjoyed your night out.
Very special holidays to you.
Keep moving & keep writing!
Solid Gold- ahhhhh the memories!!! That’s where I started my chair dancing skills!!! Thank you for the well wishes my dear odd sock friend! Wishing you a 2023 filled with great health, good fun and lots and lots of giggles!!
And thank you too!