The Curious Case of Multiple Sclerosis Part 1

MS and the aging process How is it even possible that an illness can make you feel like a little old lady and a little girl at the same time?    It seems only multiple sclerosis has the insanity to do just that. The old lady part isn’t surprising; I have felt older than my actual … Read more here…

And the Winner is…….

Multiple Sclerosis and the 50 Shades of Green/Doing It Veggie Style Contest  Something strange is going on around here. I just looked in my icebox and I must have been transported to a parallel universe. In my freezer there is a half consumed bag of frozen spinach, a half consumed bag of frozen mangos, a … Read more here…

Fall’s Healthy Tidbits

Multiple sclerosis and the ‘get fit’ plan I didn’t intentionally time the end of my 50 Shades of Green/Doing It Veggie Style Contest to collide with the start of my favorite season. Funny how things happen that way. But the contest has ended and I have some awesome, healthy recipes to try. What is weird, … Read more here…

Multiple Sclerosis in Margaritaville

  Recently, a friend who visits Florida twice a year, every year, gave me a gift. It was a glass from Jimmy Buffet’s Margaritaville Café and it had taken her a lot of alcoholic, frozen drinks to accumulate enough glasses to pass around to her friends. In the last days of August, as the humidity … Read more here…

Broccoli Soup

A Healthy Eating Plan for People with Multiple Sclerosis Little by little, through bouts of miserable humidity, I am making my way through Montel’s smoothies. On an only slightly hot day, I made the Raspberry Peach Smoothie and it was awesome! It was a healthy and refreshing way to cool off. I would next like … Read more here…

Unproductive Produce

Multiple Sclerosis and the Grocery Store I hope anyone following my blog hasn’t given up on me and my ‘get fit’ plan that uses my Wii Fit and Montel William’s Healthmaster Elite. During late July/early August there were a few gorgeous, almost autumn like days where I was super productive on the plan. My Wii … Read more here…

Taffy Summer

This post is dedicated to all of my Cape Cod friends who are likely in the deep, deep throes of Augustitis. It’s ok my over worked, over heated, over tired, over questioned, over being run over friends- Labor Day will be here soon. The stickiest job I ever held was at a candy store that … Read more here…

50 Shades of Green

Doing it Veggie Style No this post is not about my love life. If it was, I would bore my readers to tears and I am trying to increase my hits, not bore people away. This post is about the amazing thing I learned while I have been on this ‘get fit’ journey. Turns out, … Read more here…

The Star Wars Way

A Healthmaster Elite/Multiple Sclerosis ‘Get Fit’ Plan So the Banana Peanut Smoothie was actually pretty good. It wasn’t as incredibly super delicious as say, a Cookie Dough Nor’easter (the Cape Cod version of a DQ Blizzard), but it was ok. Strangely, the recipe said it made four servings when it actually made ten. Why is … Read more here…

Feelin Hot, Hot, Hot

Multiple Sclerosis and the Heat Wave Alert– this a Multiple Sclerosis Weather Advisory. We interrupt this ‘get fit’ plan blog post for a heat wave. It is highly recommended that all people with multiple sclerosis be advised, hide and take cover. Based on the above, there was no work done on my new ‘get fit’ … Read more here…