A Little MS TMI

An embarrassing multiple sclerosis symptom There are not enough words in the English language to describe something that is weird; I know, I’ve checked. Recently I was told about this neat trick in my Microsoft program where I can type in a word and then right click on it for a list of synonyms.   So, … Read more here…

This MS Moment is Brought to you by the Letters ‘F’ and ‘U’ and the Number ‘2’

Multiple Sclerosis looks to Sesame Street for support It’s been kind of a frustrating week.  So frustrating that I didn’t have the piece of mind to write a new blog.  And so the frustrated me offers up one of my favorites……. It was Elmo that finally did me in.   Yes, Elmo, as in Tickle Me.  … Read more here…

Growl, Growl and Howl

Multiple Sclerosis is ticking me off! While my blog and my book both strongly suggest that laughter is a valid coping mechanism, I never meant for my fellow MS’ers to think that humor is all there is.  Lots of other emotions are necessary on this crummy, sucky journey of life with a chronic illness. For the … Read more here…

Super Balls

Multiple Sclerosis investigates Deflate-Gate I went there.  I did.  I went to the topic that has been on the minds of Americans for the last twelve days or so; the topic that has everyone in the country sick of jokes about players and their balls. The reason why I felt ballsy enough- yes, I did … Read more here…

The Curious Case of Multiple Sclerosis Part 5

Bored as a Board When I was growing up, my mom or my dad, my sister, my grandmother, someone in my life used to like to say, ”if you’re bored, you’re boring.” This phrase has been ingrained on my brain since then. I want to do everything I can to not be boring, although I … Read more here…