Healthy Voices Abound

Multiple Sclerosis goes back to Chicago! Janssen covered my travel expenses to attend HealtheVoices17.  All thoughts and opinions expressed here are my own.  (Thank goodness!  It would be scary if a successful company like Janssen thought the crazy way I do!) It was the first morning.  Despite the super comfy beds in the wicked nice … Read more here…

Holiday Heart Madness

A post Valentine MS post I’m not against Valentine’s Day.  Truly, I’m not. Let the sappy saps in love or in intense-like-flirting have their sappy day. Plus, Valentine’s Day ushers in one of my favorite holidays, half off lots of chocolate candy day, which I totally celebrate.  Where was I on 2/15?  In the clearance … Read more here…

One Pill or Another; Not Gonna Getcha, Getcha, Getcha

A tale of multiple sclerosis I dropped a pill while I was driving. My fault for multi-tasking. So what if I was driving, texting, eating pizza, grabbing the pill AND trying to open my water bottle?  My neuro-psychological testing did show that my multi-tasking skills were pretty much shot. Before you panic, I’m exaggerating.  I … Read more here…