Welcome to

Yvonne deSousa.com


Welcome to the new version of my author website

Here you will find most of the things the previous website offered such as my popular MS humor blog, short quotes to make you giggle I call laugh lines, fun information regarding my first book, MS Madness! A “Giggle More, Cry Less” Story of Multiple Sclerosis and all of my bio, contact, and speaking engagement information.

I’m also offering a newsletter now, which will have fun and interesting content not found here on the site.


MS Humor Blog

Laugh Lines

My Bio

Info on My First Book

Speaking Engagement Info

Contact Information

My New Book Is Out!

Shelter of the Monument: A Provincetown Love Story

It’s a coming-of-age memoir that takes place in my beautiful and unique hometown of Provincetown, dealing with first love, loss, addiction and finding one’s inner strength.

While these are serious topics and Shelter of the Monument isn’t a humor book like my first, it does include precious characters and moments that will also make you smile at the amusing aspects of life’s journey.

This poignant story begins in my teen years and continues until just before my multiple sclerosis diagnosis.

Ahead of the release the web site offers some reviews, excerpts, and pictures to help tell the story of the remarkable place at the heart of the events in this latest book.

Also, so as not to miss any new information on the release date, please sign up to my newsletter which is also new and filled with all good things.

front cover shelter of the monument book

My New Newsletter

Hey, want the humor blog sent directly to you? How about a newsletter with the scoop about Yvonne’s book journey? Sign up for either/or here!

No Spam, Ever

Some Nice Comments About My First Book

MS Madness! A “Giggle More, Cry Less Story of Multiple Sclerosis”

“Her vivid, accessible voice is a strength of her book, and she puts a humorous spin on the debilitating disease to cope with its effects on her body… A warm, unique memoir about coping with disease.

Kirkus Reviews

“MS Madness! A ‘Giggle More, Cry Less’ Story of Multiple Sclerosis combines defiance with humor, the secret weapon of the sick. Laughter has carried me a greater distance than conventional medicine ever will. In the end, attitudes drive well being”.

Richard M. Cohen

“Having spent a considerable amount of my time on the Cape in Falmouth as a kid I was able to relate to a lot of what she describes. The story leaves the reader with a warm feeling about themselves and life in general and her positivity and outlook on life are very admiring.”

James Sullivan

From the Blog

Of Clocks, Kids and Travel

Less MS, more old I am old enough to be this little guy’s grandmother. It might be a leap, but in actuality, I am old enough to be his great grandmother too. When the hell did that happen???? It just doesn’t seem real but there it is, the cold, hard truth. This baby is my … Read more here…

Falling Only Slightly Apart

Multiple Sclerosis hits the ground Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall Humpty Dumpty had a big fall All the King’s horses and all the King’s men Couldn’t put Humpty Dumpty together again. (or something like this- nursery rhyme from my childhood) Well, that’s just great for him… What the hell was he doing sitting on … Read more here…